Weekly photo Challenge – Refreshing 2

Peace and quiet time is very refreshing to me. A time to just sit still and ponder on the days activities or read a good book.

Published by Life's Little Slices

Firstly, I am a woman Son of God (Rom 8:14) Wife to a Firefighter Mother of three Daughter Sister Friend I am a country girl at heart. My roots are deep. Gardening is my favorite past-time. Photography is in my blood. I am genuine and best of all...I am me.

10 thoughts on “Weekly photo Challenge – Refreshing 2

  1. Would love to be in that hammock, with a big glass of sweet tea within reach. But how is it you didn’t melt and fade away? Here in NC it’s been too darn hot for anything outside to be refreshing. If garden chores don’t get done before 8, they don’t get done!

    1. Luckily we have a steady breeze under my patio where the hammock is. Yeah after 8am things start to get hot and I’m not a morning person. I try to tend to my garden after 8pm, its definitely cooler because it rains every evening these days, but sometimes I fight mosquitoes. You win some, you lose some, I guess. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by!

  2. We have a lot in common, you and I. Big age difference, but common interests in gardening, photography, making people cry, and random blogs. I’ll be back.

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