Comment re-post from yesterdays blog post.


Mr. Tony replied to yesterdays post Who are you? and I wanted to share his words with all of my followers. Enjoy…learn something 🙂


“your post reminds me of a dream that I had back in May of 2010 that had to do with stolen identity.

I had a dream and in this dream a young woman, sort of seductive in an evil sense, not sexually, however, had come to me and told me that someone had stolen my wallet. I told her that it was she who had stolen my wallet, and, as I went to get it back from her, she tried holding it up beyond my reach so that I would be unable to get it. Instead of giving me my wallet back, she offered me a black case of CD’s . I told her that I did not want the CD case but instead wanted my wallet back. It was then that I pinned her to the ground and took back my wallet. She was cursing me all the while I had her pinned to the ground and I continued to hold her there until the police came to take her away. The reason that in my dream this woman was trying to give me the CD’s in lieu of returning my wallet was because she was trying to convince me that they had the equality of what was contained in my wallet which they do not. My identity, credibility and life itself are hid with Christ. Teachings cannot replace going to the source of living water which is the Lord. To elevate teachings to the status of being equal to the Word is equivalent to digging a cistern for yourself. I believe that your doctrine must be constantly evolving because the Lord is constantly showing us something new about His character. And, the only way we are able to learn is to sit at the feet of Jesus for ourselves. Strongholds are thoughts we think, things we tell ourselves, and what others tell us that we tend to believe even though we know they are contrary to the Word of God, and teachings we listen to and elevate to the Word of the Lord.. A stronghold is formed one brick at a time and is formed when these things go unchallenged by the Word of God and we just accept as truth that which we know to be contrary to the Word.

Paul said regarding false teachings ,”But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough”.
(2Co 11:3-4 NIV)

> What is contained in a wallet?
> A driver’s license speaks to your identity. When Jesus was being tested in the wilderness, one of the first things that Satan tested Him on was His identity, “If you are the Son of God….”
> Credit cards speak to your reputation and credibility in other words, you hold fast to the Word of God and in His Word do you trust and base your life.
> The cd case containing the cd’s represented false teaching that this woman was trying to give me instead of my wallet. She did not want me to have my wallet(the Word of God) because of what it represented and the power that comes from knowing the truth about who I am in Christ.
> It is my belief that one of the biggest hindrances today is that people have made the teachings of men equal to the Word of God in their lives. As a result, people are dependent on milk were they entrust others to digest the word for them rather than learning how to eat the meat of the Word for themselves.One of the biggest reasons I have heard for people either leaving or joining a church is that they are/are not being fed and so we have many who are infants.
> By now you should be teachers. Instead, you still need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word. You need milk, not solid food. All those who live on milk lack the experience to talk about what is right. They are still babies. However, solid food is for mature people, whose minds are trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil.
> (Heb 5:12-14 GW)”

Please don’t forget to check out his blog! My Dreams and Visons

Published by Life's Little Slices

Firstly, I am a woman Son of God (Rom 8:14) Wife to a Firefighter Mother of three Daughter Sister Friend I am a country girl at heart. My roots are deep. Gardening is my favorite past-time. Photography is in my blood. I am genuine and best of all...I am me.

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